“ we want to emphasize your personality, instead of overpowering it ”
Eva Ambtman
Founder & Creative Director
LE MAGASIN is thé online store for women with quiet confidence. Founder Eva Ambtman, combines her previous buying experience with a personal sense of style.
Our selection of feminine staples with a masculine twist, offers timeless additions to any modern-day wardrobe. A carefully curated mix between bold statements and season-less classics.
We aim to prevent overproduction and reduce material wastage by releasing a few items at once, in small batches based on our production times, not based on seasons. Because we believe that good staples can be worn all year round.
Our packaging is made of 70% recycled plastic and has double permanent adhesive strips, making them ideal for reuse for possible returns. Our silk wrapping is made of 100% recycled paper.
Please be aware that stock levels are constantly changing, so stock cannot be guaranteed.
For further questions contact us at info@le-magasin.eu